On World Heart Day 2023

World Heart Day is celebrated annually on September 29th. It raises awareness about heart health and inspires individuals to take proactive steps toward a healthier life style.

World heart day is a reminder

World Heart Day is a reminder to everyone around the world to take care of their hearts. Heart disease claims more lives than any other disease, which makes it a concern for individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide.

Promoting healthy lifestyle

At our company, we are deeply committed to promoting health and overall well-being among our employees. We believe that a physically active lifestyle is a key component of disease prevention and well-being. We encourage our employees to participate in various sports events. Every year, we take part in Ljubljana marathon, Marathon Franja and we have an opportunity of a top-quality physical exercise in cooperation with KineoSpot.

Novak M cycling team

A group of Novak M cyclists is joining forces once again. They are planning a ride of 85 km and 1500 altitude meters in the beautiful countryside of Kočevje region. They say it is a farewell ride for this sesaon before the winter comes in. We wish them a safe ride and some pleasant autumn weather!

Contributing to health with our products

Additionally, our wide range of products includes examination tables that support heart examinations specifically. Two models Examination table S and SXLP can optionally feature ultrasound openings that enable healthcare professionals to perform detailed heart examinations efficiently and effectively. We are pleased that through production of such medical equipment we contribute to the early detection and diagnosis of heart conditions.

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